Saturday, December 30, 2006

Good ridence to 2006

Not that this past year has been particularly bad to me, I feel like it's something I just want to wrap in a plastic baggy, put a twisty-tie on it, and deposit it in the dumpster. I was hoping to have a more coherent thought to post here about the end of the year, but instead I'm just going to post a few random thoughts.
"Highlights" that come to mind about 2006:
War. politics. voting fraud. corrupt politicians. The kicker as the year wraps up now is that the execution of Sadam is all over the 24 hour news networks. I was watching TV at the time when he was supposedly put to death, and Faux News was treating this like a parade. Their "CRACK" team of investigators reported live the news that they heard that the moment had come by reporting that they heard it on another TV show.
As I awoke this morning, I had forgotten last nights horror. So when I turned on the TV this morning and was flipping around, I ended up on CNN, which was showing photos of Sadam with a noose being put around his neck. THEN they showed low resolution photos of the man laying in a sheet with his neck clearly broken. WHY? Such poor taste! Yes, I know he was a bad man. If this man had killed or injured my friends or family I suppose I might be more "happy" about this news. But as a caring human being with something called compassion, I feel bad for all humanity. What a great way to leave 2006 behind huh? [sarcasm].
I'll move on now to some positive thoughts that I can remember about 2006 that relate to me personally:
I got a new camera and am enjoying photography as a new hobby.
I got to go to the MAKER FAIRE out in California and had a blast!
I joined a local Maker group and enjoy the creativity of it.
The Democrats took the House and Senate away from the Reps.
I have taken classes and have expanded my knowledge of Watercolor painting.
I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and a job that provides me with money to do the things I like (movies, books, art).
My friends and family are relatively healthy.
I am thankful for these things.

Here's hoping that your 2007 is full of the above items (the positive ones I mean).

Here is an interesting post that I found the other day too:
50 things we know now (that we didn't know this time last year) 2006 edition.

Finally, here's a post I found a few days after seeing it on TV... (nothing to do with 2006 stuff)
It's a mysterious object that was found in New Hampshire (back in 1872).

(Grr... I am still unable to post photos to my blog under the new blogger beta version)

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