Thursday, June 25, 2009

Funny photo | SF compost

This morning I read over on the Inhabitat blog that San Francisco has jut made it a "law" (seems odd to think of this as a law) that the city will now add mandatory composting to their waste management. I applaud this effort (though I'm a little confused how it all will work - I'm sorry, I can't see how this will a) Not smell! (because people will not know what is the right thing to compost or not, and because people are lazy (and/or stupid) and they'll just put anything they want into the compost catagory) and b) not attract rodents.
But hopefully they have it all figured out - because I know first hand - no wait, I guess it's "second hand" that my ma also composts for their small backyard garden. It's really a good thing.

All of the above said... when I looked at the photo above, I just had to laugh at the guy in the lower right hand side. He's just got his head down, and is pinching his nose as if he has the worst tension headache. I can just imagine him as one of the mayor's advisers and he's thinking to himself, 'THIS will be a disaster!' :)

(if you can't see it, you can click on the image to enlarge it).

1 comment:

babluebird said...

in the interest of IN-t'rest in this activity [of composting], the man you mention should DEF have been cropped out of photo! i agree with your observation and assigned caption.
i also agree that the mandatory composting should come with direction and instruction. done correctly, it's tremendous and exciting.
i poured over their article and could find no mention of WHAT they would do with what they collected. hmmm....