Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Scanner Darkly

Hello All! I'm back! Did ya miss me? Did ya know I was gone? Well, I wasn't really gone, I was just taking a few days off from posting. It's not difficult to blog an item per day, it's just a strange sort of fatigue that sets in.

I've got a few items to blog about, but I'll start off with just this one for now...
A new movie is on it's way... Scanner Darkly - Done by Richard Linklater (who I admire some of his work - Waking Life, Dazed and Confused, Slacker) and produced by Clooney and Soderbergh. The movie is an adaptation from a book by Philip K. Dick (yes Blade Runner! Probably the best Scifi film ever made). This movie looks too good to be true... It's done in the same artistic style as Waking life (which was great), the cast is amazing (though there is something strange about casting Robert Downey and Woody Harrelson in a drug movie). Keanu (who will probably do good in this role as he plays a confused druggie), and even Winona Ryder (mixed feelings about her anymore). Anyway I just watched the trailer online and it looks pretty cool. I will defintely be waiting for this one.
Check out Downey's T-shirt in the snapshot above! Illuminati! I wonder where I can get a shirt like that...

1 comment:

JWD said...

Welcome back! I DID notice and I DID miss you!!