Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Internet geek links

No really, I was going to post this when I saw it on boingboing today, but I just stopped over to Laughing Squid, and they have three (count em THREE) awesome posts in a row. So check these out...
How to speak geek (ugh, I knew almost all of these!)

How To Speak Geek

This one is better though... How to behave on an internet forum.
(I really like the animation on these too, reminds me of the IT Crowd (if you are a geek you've GOT to rent the IT crowd.)

How To Behave On An Internet Forum

Then there is this great comic over on xkcd today:

and Finally...
One of my internet heros (Lawrence Lessig) has just released a new website ( and it appears he "MIGHT" try to run for Congress. Larry is behind the whole "Creative Commons" movement - or i should say "was" behind it. He's put aside his passion for "CC" and is moving on to something a bit more challenging... getting rid of corruption in congress - no easy task! :)
I wish him all the best! The video below is about 10 minutes long, but it is IMPORTANT that you watch it. This is the sort of movement I can get behind, but the cynic in me fears it will never change. I hope I can be proven wrong!


JWD said...


cyen said...

h33 h33