Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday Cat Tricks

Yahooooo It's Friday!!!
I'm struggling to stay awake while sitting here at the computer, so I decided to do some quick web surfing. I really need to explore this guy's website... A few weeks ago I found a video clip of this guy doing a mock broadcast of a political baseball game (since lost the link), and he was pretty funny. Then this moring while checking one of my usual morning sites, I saw that his name was mentioned again, in that the Colbert Report possibly stole one of his bits. I just checked out the delicious links for "cool" today and his name popped up again. It looks like a cool website and the guy is obviously funny. I wonder if people have to work at being funny or if it comes naturally. What makes a comedian a comdeian? Anyway... I found this link on his site of his pet cat Annie. Several short video clips that are both cute and comical and his descriptions are funny too. I especially like the Egyptian dig... and the Halloween clip. Check it out here. Oh and I should at least mention the website name:

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