Friday, July 21, 2006

Wage Peace

Here is the photo that I took of the sign that was put up out front of a house on my way home from work (and to work). There is something both odd and (not sure what the word is to describe it... inspiring? thought provoking?) about driving along in a small suburb town and seeing this in the front yard. I think I'm going to leave a note in the mailbox and just say something simple like "thank you for putting up your sign".
You can see two more photos by clicking on my flickr thing in the sidebar to the right (might have to scroll down to see it).

I found this link (via boingboing) where you can read this woman's firsthand experience about what is happening in Israel right now. She lived in Canada but flew to Israel to be with her family on July 18th. It's scary to read, and brings it that much closer to home. It puts a personal bent on something we are only used to hearing about on the news. I think something like this also shows the power of blogging. It can be used for more important purposes than things like boingboing or art, or rants over customer service. I'm glad I am a blogger.

On a lighter side of things...
I got my new "sticker" book... I like it. It has inspired me to post my own "blogger stickers" on my blog. I may re-design it though, but I like the idea of just putting a little digital "sticker" on my website. Could be serious, silly, etc... and I can change it easily now that I have the code in. So look for more "blog stickers" soon. I would also like to post a small "photo of the moment" on my sidebar. I need to figure the code first because I'd like to put it in a sort of frame. If I can't figure the code out, I will just post it somewhere.

AND Today is the beginning of my vacation! My blogging will probably be close to nil this following week. (though I still have two days left before I actually leave - so chances are I'll be posting more over the weekend.)
If not... have a good week.

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