Friday, July 13, 2007


I almost tripped in my cluttered living room floor getting to my computer to post this after just watching the PBS show called "Bill Moyers Journal" - with tonights topic on impeachment. I've hesitated using the "i" word even on this blog. I thought it was just a word being thrown about by some democrats for political reasons. Just trying to get a "dig" in on the current administration. Just a few days ago I saw this website and this youtube video on impeaching Dick Cheney, and I thought it manipulative. The music is horrible, the repetition of certain words and statements is over-the-top. I thought this was a cheesy attempt to get this idea of impeachment across to the average Joe like myself. But then along came Bill Moyers!
I was on Reddit today and learned there that this special show was going to be on TV tonight (7/13/07). I made sure to be here to watch it (I should have taped it!). It was an intelligent discussion (a few cheap shots here and there) about the reasons for entertaining the thought of impeachment. Bruce Fein got a little wound up at times, and I felt bad for John Nichols because Bruce tended to hog the spotlight, but John got his points in eventually. John seemed a little more level headed. John also was able to explain complicated points in language that I could understand.
I won't try to retell the reasons for impeachment here (I'd probably butcher it). But I will highly and strongly encourage anyone who found this blog post to take about 50 minutes of their time to go to the Bill Moyers website and watch the show online. (I am not sure how soon PBS will put his show online, right now "last weeks" show is visible, but I'm sure that in a day or so it will be online - I'll post a link as soon as I can).
I am convinced now that we should be pushing for impeachment hearings. We should not be passive about this and just let Bush and Cheney ride out the rest of their term. In doing so, we will be setting a precedent for future presidents that this is what the American people will accept.
I will look into what is involved in writing to whoever my representative(s) is/are in order to let them know my feelings on this. I've never written to a public official before, so this will be my first time. I'll post the experience here in follow up posts, so hopefully others can do the same.
Go to PBS and watch this show.
I am also very impressed by John Nichol's words that I'm off now to Amazon to buy his new book (just what I need... another book!) called "The Genius of Impeachment".

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