Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A few random links of interest...

I've gathered these two links that I found interesting...
(I'm sitting on another story I have written up for my blog, but I'm not sure if I want to post it or not... it's about the Ed and Elaine Brown events. I'm still deciding if I want to post about it, or keep my mouth shut.) Moving on...

This story I found today at lunch, and it boggles my mind. And I thought I had it rough with my little parking issue with the post office... nutshell...
A couple in North Carolina had a run in with the law... A police officer (who recently got back from Iraq), saw that this couple had a flag flying upside down outside of their house. I don't recall how I learned about this, but I know it was from a movie... A flag that is flying upside down is not a symbol of disrespect. It is a sign (usually in the military) that means the people there in need of rescue, or that it is a distress signal. There are a lot of "patriots" and anti-war folks who fly their flag upside down to show that they are under distress regarding the war (or other anti-government issues like the Ed Brown case).
Well, this officer, saw it as a sign of disrespect, and one thing led to another... I'm not saying that flying your flag upside down is the right thing to do (I believe it should only be used if it is a real emergency - like your taken hostage or something like that, not to make a political statement). Regardless, the officer "allegedly" stepped way over the line of being reasonable. Read this story here (yes, it's a website known for having some anti-government posts) called PrisonPlanet.com.

An article over on Alternet.org about how the election ballots from the 2000 election have somehow "mysteriously" disappeared! Unbelievable.


me said...

wow! i had no idea that flying a flag upside down meant you are in distress... interesting.

i always thought that you should have a white flag or something...lol.

cyen said...

Yeah, I'm still racking my brain trying to remember where I heard it before. I think it was from a movie that involved a Vietnam vet. who was also a Native American. I think he was on a reservation and things were really bad in the community. That's all I can remember. I'll ask my friend, he might know.